FLEXI-BAR & XCO Workout 1.0
Whether back pain or weight problems,whetherbeginner or professional, the new app from FLEXI-SPORTSmakestraining possible anywhere. You will feel the successimmediately.Experience this unique workout and get a completely newfeeling ofyour body. Training can be so efficient!- Prevention / relief of back pain- Pelvic floor exercises- Improved posture- Fat burning- Getting back into shape after a pregnancy- Strengthening connective tissue- Full body workout- 7-day programsImpressive features:- countless exercise videos with our experts- 7-day programs: find the right training program foryourneeds- My exercises: pick out your favorite exercises- Detailed information about our unique quality products- My data: your training progress is well documented(traininghistory, weight diary, BMI calculator, photo gallerybefore /after)- Ask the trainer: you have a specific question about yourtraining?We are pleased to answer it.Do not hesitate and get this brilliant training app!
FLEXI-BAR & XCO Workout 1.0
Egal ob Rückenschmerzen oderGewichtsprobleme,ob Anfänger oder Profi, die neue App vonFLEXI-SPORTS machtTraining überall möglich. Schon nach kurzer Zeitwirst du denErfolg spüren. Erlebe dieses einmalige Training underreiche einvöllig neues Körpergefühl. So effektiv kann deinWorkout sein!- Prävention/Linderung von Rückenschmerzen- Beckenbodentraining- Haltungsverbesserung- Fettverbrennung- Schwangerschaftsrückbildung- Bindegewebefestigung- Ganzkörpertraining- 7-Tage-ProgrammeBeeindruckende Features:- Unzählige Übungsvideos von unseren Experten vorgeführt- 7-Tage Programme: Finde für deine Bedürfnisse daspassendeTrainingsprogramm- Meine Übungen: Finde deine Lieblingsübungen heraus- Detaillierte Informationen zu unsereneinmaligenQualitätsprodukten- Trainerbereich: Informiere dich einfach und bequem überdieneuesten Schulungen und Events in deiner Nähe und bleibemitunseren Experten in Kontakt- Statistik: Dein Trainingsfortschritt wird genaudokumentiert(Trainings-Historie, Gewichtstagebuch, BMI-Rechner,Fotogalerievorher/nachher)- Frag den Trainer: Du hast eine spezielle Frage zu deinemTraining?Wir beantworten dir sie gerneZögere nicht und hole dir diese geniale Trainings-App!Whether back painorweight problems, whether beginner or professional, the new appfromFLEXI-SPORTS makes training possible anywhere. After a shorttimeyou will feel success. Experience this unique workout and getacompletely new feeling. So effectively can be a work out!- Prevention / relief of back pain- Pelvic Floor Exercises- Improved posture- Fat burning- Pregnancy regression- Strengthening connective tissue- Full body workout- 7-day programsImpressive features:Demonstrated countless exercise videos of our experts -- 7-day programs to find for your needs the righttrainingprogram- My exercises: Find your favorite exercises out- Detailed information on our unique quality products- Coach area: Find out easy and comfortable on the latesttrainingand events near you and stay in touch with ourexperts- Statistics: your training progress is well documented(traininghistory, weight diary, BMI calculator, photo gallerybefore /after)- Ask the Trainer: Do you have a specific question aboutyourtraining? We'll gladly answer themDo not hesitate to get you this brilliant training app!